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User management

User permissions are different based on the assigned groups and roles. To manage users and permissions the user management module is developed. The modules consists of multiple tabs to manage users, groups, roles and permissions.

Users are related to group(s) and a group consists of one or more role(s). This way a user gets a set of permissions to get access to specific views and actions. A role which grants a specific permissions cannot get revoked by other roles, meaning all roles are merged together.


The figure below shows the 'Users' tab. On the left side it is possible to copy, create or remove users. The users profile can be edited on the right side. The table below explains all user related properties.


Property Description
Name Name of the user which is also used during login
Level User access level to define rights in user management. Also used to show available groups
Email E-mail address which is used to send notifications
Telephone Telephone number to send SMS notifications
Language Default language to use during after login
Expiration date Expiration date of the account. Login after expiration is not possible anymore
Active User is active or not. Login is not possible for deactivaed users
Change password Option to change users password
Groups Assigned groups to the users


The figure below shows the 'Groups' tab. On the left side it is possible to copy, create or remove groups. Group specific data can be edited on the right side. The table below explains all group related properties.


Property Description
Name Name of the group
Level Level which is used to determine what member of the group are allowed to do in usermanagement. This also controls the visibility of the roles
Roles Choices which roles are assigned to the group


Roles are configured in the system and cannot be changed.