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Telegram notifications

Invitation and activation

RPC supports Telegram notifications. To set up a user for telegram, go to the Accounts page and select the correct user. Check if the user has a valid email address and the correct language has been set. With the button Invite Telegram, an activation email will be sent to the user. Continue with the steps in the chapter Activation.


Follow the first link in the email to download and install Telegram on your mobile device. After installing Telegram on your device, use the second link in the email to connect Telegram to Rimote. When subscribed succesfully, send a message to the chat window with the following content: " /start ". Your telegram id is send back by an automatically generated response. Continue with the chapter Telegram test message and make sure to note the telegram Id to send a test message.

Telegram begin configuration
Telegram correctly configured

Telegram test message

Test messages can be send to verify the working of Telegram. Go to Notifications and select the tab Test notification. Enter the telegram id, and press Send Telegram. When the button Send Telegram is pressed, the test notification will be sent. A test message should be delivered within 10 seconds.


Notifications for Rimote website users

To send and distribute notifications to users using the Rimote website, a special Rimote users exists in RPC. The language of this user determines the language of all the notifications being send using Rimote.

Rimote notification
Configure an user for Rimote Notifications

Connect notifications and users

After configuring telegram, telegram can be used as a notification channel. To do this, go to Notifications, and select the Notification groups tab. Select the group you want to change, and add a new user. Set the user to Rimote notifications, and check and check the box under Telegram. This telegram id is 0000000000. After saving, the notifications will be sent to the Rimote server. In Rimote, Rimote users can be configured to receive these notifications. When the Telegram ID is set for RPC users, telegram messages can be sent directly to these users.
