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Notification management

A process component can be configured to generate a notification when an alarm occurs. These notifications are handled by the notification management, and directed to the correct users. When and how these notifications are send, can be configured in the notification management module.

Notification goups

It is possible to send some specific notifications to multiple users. To accomplish this, groups can be created. A group contains one or more users. In the figure below you can see the window where the notificationgroups can be configured. The top half of the screen shows a list of the nofication groups, and offers functionality to add and remove groups. In the bottom half of the screen, the selected group can be edited. The name of the group can be changed, and users can be added to or removed from the group.

It is possible to set a time and notification method for every user. The time indicates the time between the moment the alarm occurs, and when the notification is send. When the alarm becomes inactive before the specified time, de notification will not be send. It is also possible to specify how the notification gets send. This can be done by email, SMS or Telegram.


Notification schedules

To specify when which group is active, schedules can be used. The schedule screen is shown in the figure below. The top half contains a list with the schedules. This list contains always some predefined schedules for Alarming and Storage. New schedules can be created, and schedules can be removed.

The bottom half of the screen shows the selected schedule. Each schedule can have multiple schedule rules. Each rule has a Start Time and End Time, and the weekdays when de rule is active. These settings together specify when the rule is active. A notification group must be assigned to each rule. When de notification group is active, the notification will be send to this group. It is possible to create multiple schedule rules that overlap each other. To specify which rule must be used when there is overlap, a Level can be set. When two schedule rules are active at the same time, the rule with the highest Level will be used. When there is no rule active during a time period, no notification will be send during that period.



To see which notification is send to who, the log can be examined. The list in the top half of the screen shows the list of all the send notifications, and notifications that are being send. When a notification is active, de notification is not send yet to all the users in the group. This can happen when the Notify after property is set for a user. In that case, the notification will be send when the Notify after time has passed. When a notification is selected in the list, the bottom half of the screen will show the individual messages that have been send to de users within the group.



This options are only available if the system has a hardware-based SMS modem

For sending SMS messages it is neccessary to enter the proper configuration required by the modem. The configuration is entered and tested during commissioning by the installer. This settings are displayed in the SMS tab as shown in the figure below.

Sent SMS messages are displayed in the bottom half of the screen. Here you can check whether the SMS modem has actually sent the messages and recipient information.
